Sunday, September 03, 2006

Regional Air Quality Council Meeting on the 7th

The Regional Air Quality Council, an appointed body that oversees air quality in the Denver metro area, is meeting on September 7th, from 3:00-5:30 P.M. at 1445 Market Street in the 2nd Floor JA Conference Room. This meeting will give citizens the opportunity to voice support for smog reductions in the Denver metro area and get the RAQC behind clean air.

The September 7th meeting agenda is online. The RAQC is slated to discuss the state's proposal to ratchet down on emissions of ozone forming compounds from oil and gas development north of Denver.

If you have time, it's crucial to attend this meeting. There will be an opportunity for public comment, giving us a chance to get the RAQC behind the state's proposed smog reductions in Denver. We need to hold the RAQC accountable to communities and human health in the Denver metro area. Please attend the September 7th meeting and simply tell the RAQC to support the state's proposal to reduce emissions of ozone forming compounds from oil and gas development and reduce smog in the Denver metro area.


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