Friday, April 27, 2007

Major Air Polluter Heading up Greenprint Denver Effort

We also had to do a double take.

Suncor Energy, the owner and operator of the oil refineries north of Denver, which together are one of the largest sources of air pollution in the Denver metro area, is the "title sponsor" of Tree by Tree, the Mile High Million. In other words, Suncor Energy is the corporate sponsor behind Mayor Hickenlooper's initiative to plant more trees in Denver.

So why is this a big deal? The Suncor refineries feed gasoline and diesel fueled engines throughout the metro area, a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and other dangerous air pollutants. This seems wholly counter to the Greenprint Denver's mission to reduce emissions of air pollution and greenhouse gases in the Denver metro area.

But besides all that, Suncor's support is nauseating in a more literal way. The Suncor oil refineries north of Denver are major air polluters. Not only that, they're major clean air violators. Just last February, Suncor was fined over $300,000 for violating clean air laws and regulations. Not only that, but according to the Colorado Air Pollution Control Division, the refineries release over 2,000,000 pounds of smog forming pollution and release toxic air pollutants into the communities of northeast Denver, including:

The Suncor oil refineries don't exactly seem like a "green" model. Sadly, that hasn't stopped the City of Denver from endorsing their support.

This isn't much of a surprise, however; the City of Denver and Mayor Hickenlooper so far have utterly failed to stand up for clean air in the Denver metro area. Now that the City of Denver is gleaning sponsorship from Suncor Energy, it just shows how much of a joke Greenprint Denver really is.

We're all for corporate sponsorship, but when the corporate sponsor is a major air polluter that threatens our health, we have to draw the line. We're sure the City of Denver would have no problem securing support from more responsible businesses.

The sad irony in all this is that Greenprint Denver's partnership with Suncor Energy is likely to doom Denver's newly planted trees. Many trees, including cottonwood, aspen, choke cherry, and others being planted across the city, are extremely sensitive to smog pollution. And with the Suncor refineries spewing out over 2,000,000 pounds of smog forming pollution, it seems like survival will be tough for the new trees.

With that said, we'll pose the question, is Greenprint Denver nothing but lip service? With Suncor Energy as the "title sponsor" of a key Greenprint Denver campaign, the answer seems to be yes.

Unless and until the City of Denver gets serious about engaging sponsors and allies that are truly dedicated to the goals of Greenprint Denver, don't count on Mayor Hickenlooper to keep you safe or healthy when it comes to air pollution.


At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like suncor paying for the tree by tree program is not at all a punishment. They can only benefit from being associated with this program. They are basically paying for advertising and a postive green image. They should be fined as a punishment definitely, not have it be a reward.

At 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suncor expanded recently from 60,000 barrels a day to 90,000. They had zero community input and EPA settled a decades-old lawsuit for polluting the neighborhoods by making Suncor buy $700,000 worth of truck and bus parts for local businesses and school buses. By adding 14 cents a gallon for ONE DAY this fine was paid, and by doing so, trucks and buses made complaint for years more consumption. Last October they emitted a plume that caused Bruce Randolph Middle School to shut down its air exchangers for several hours. This school is 24 blocks from the refinery. Tom Anthony


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