Friday, August 04, 2006

Local Governments Support Smog Reductions

Last May 3, 2006, the Denver Regional Council of Governments criticizing the state for not doing enough to control ozone pollution and urging Governor Owens to prioritize ozone reduction efforts.

The Denver Regional Council of Local Governments' letter is a surprising breath of fresh air. They state, "it is important we achieve the milestones in the Early Action Compact because we promised our citizens we would do this in order to protect the health and quality of life in their communities." This is extremely refreshing. I have yet to hear any state official or Regional Air Quality Council member say anything remotely this considerate of the needs of citizens.

Kudos to the Denver Regional Council of Local Governments for taking a stand in support of ozone reductions. If your city or county officials are on the Board of the Council, please contact them and let them know how much you appreciate their stand on ozone pollution and urge them to continue their support for clean air. You can find out if your elected officials are on the Board by visiting the Denver Regional Council of Local Governments' website. Please give special thanks to Mayor Nancy Sharpe of Greenwood Village, who signed the letter.

If anyone would like a copy of the May 3, 2006 letter from the Denver Regional Council of Local Governments, please contact me at


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